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Mindless Moment.

Have you ever heard of The Singing Ringing Tree? Well we hadn’t until we was doing some research and came across it and We just had to share this amazing metal sculpture with you!!

It was Designed by architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu, located in English town of Burnley, as a part of a project for the East Lancashire Environmental Arts Network.

The goal of the project was to create a collection of landmarks to decorate the countryside, something the sculpture does most readily.

It's three meters tall, made of galvanized steel pipes, and is powered by wind. It’s quite possibly the largest windchime on the planet.

How cool is The Singing Ringing Tree!

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Mindless Moment


Mindless Moment is a fun change up of topic to give subscribers a refreshing break from the many posts regarding homeschooling.  Yes, we all love homeschooling, but sometimes we just need a break and Mindless Moment provides a nice way to give our subscribers a moment to enjoy and think about something else.  Hopefully you enjoy the daily Mindless Moment we provide.  

Also, if anyone has any ideas for some topics you would like to see posted for a Mindless Moment, please feel free to post and let us know.  We love to hear from you!

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